Program: Howl-o-Ween Costume Contest
Description: Dress up your dog in their most fashionable attire and enter to win the fluffiest pageant you've ever laid eyes on! Next, stop by an information table from a community dog partners and learn more about the services available to your canine companion. Participating canines can get free micro-chipping from the San Diego Humane Society. Dogs must be leashed at all times. Only service animals are allowed within the library building.
More DogtoberFest fun! Visit their website for all of the details!
The Dog Stars Video Awards Festival:
Call for Submissions - Lassie, Old Yeller, Clifford, Marley, Cujo, Benji... Giants of the big screen. Does your canine companion have what it takes to stand on the shoulders of these giants and be a Dog Star?
Are they dancing when you get home? Howling about how you only fed them two hours ago? Pretending that they ate their medicine when it's really hidden in their gums? Are they the king of the castle or the pauper of the pound? Can they sing or climb trees? Are they the cutest thing ever? (Of course!)
Show us your dog's antics and acting skills on video and you may win them a Sirius Award. (And more!)
Key Dates: