Join us as Matt Anderson and Stacey Parker from the Fund For Animals Wildlife Center discuss co-existence with coyotes and how education and outreach about this iconic species can actively reduce human wildlife conflict. Apex predators play a key role in sustaining San Diego counties extraordinary biodiversity which is enjoyed by all the area’s communities. The desire to live within such beauty has resulted in more and more urban construction in a variety of habitats and with that more frequent encounters with a variety of different wildlife. Coyotes that are venturing into urban areas are being persecuted so a greater knowledge of their natural history is essential for their continued survival. This presentation touches upon typical misinformation that is currently shared via social media and beyond and readdresses misunderstandings with biological facts and suggestions to help spread the word about the value of this species in our shared ecosystem. For more information visit: The Fund for Animals Wildlife Center.
Cost is $10 per person.
Classes are for people only - please leave your great pets at home.