var giftType = "One-time";

Project Wildlife Lecture: Wildlife Friendly Gardening

Saturday, March 2, 2019
9:30 AM - 11:00 AM
San Diego Humane Society (San Diego Campus)
5500 Gaines Street
San Diego, CA 92110


Plants may provide shelter, food, or support reproduction, and there are a variety of native plants and plants from similar climactic zones around the world that wildlife enthusiasts can place in their gardens to attract and support local wildlife.  Join gardening experts Charles Enciso and Marsha Cook to learn about the factors to consider in selecting plants for your yard, and learn about a few specific plants, their benefits for wildlife and their care.


Cost is $10 per person.

Classes are for people only - please leave your great pets at home.

We're sorry, the deadline for registering for this event has passed.