var giftType = "One-time";

Pet-Assisted Therapy at Museum of Man

Thursday, December 21, 2017
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Museum of Man - Balboa Park
1350 El Prado
San Diego, CA 92101

P-AT rattieGuests will learn about the unique characterizes of  small pets and how to properly and safely pet and care for them. The Pet-Assisted Therapy program typically brings the joy of animal companionship to primarily people in care facilities throughout San Diego.

We encounter animals in our every lives – they cuddle up with us on the couch, crawl silently through our walls, sit on our dinner plates, and more. But whether we see an animal as a pet, a pest, or food has changed over time and across cultures, making our relationships with them dynamic and complex to say the least. In the San Diego Museum of Man’s new exhibit, Living with Animals, you’ll take a journey and discover all the surprising and inspiring ways that we live with animals. You’ll find we’re not human without them! Learn more about this unique exhibit:

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