Hilton BOOfront Dog Costume Contest
Does your pup have the best Howl-o-ween costume? If so, you and your pet could win a one-night stay at Hilton Bayfront with their “Treat Your Pet” package! Join the cutest dog costume contest in town on Sunday, Oct. 29 at Hilton San Diego Bayfront. Mingle with some of our Canine Ambassadors, check out cool vendors, get 20% off lunch at The Pool Club restaurant and cast votes for your favorite costumes! Proceeds from the contest support the lifesaving work of San Diego Humane Society.
CLAIM YOUR FREE TICKET Eventbrite Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/hilton-boofronts-dog-halloween-costume-contest-tickets-722989339577?aff=oddtdtcreator&mibextid=2JQ9oc